Appliance Professor

Appliance Repair Mountain Brook
Appliance Repair Vestavia

I’ll begin as I’m pulling up to the gate to enter Shoal Creek. I was working for another company at the time. At that time I didn’t get many calls in Shoal Creek but was always excited about the ones I did get. If you are not familiar, Shoal Creek is a gated Golf Course community just over Double Oak Mountain where Hugh Daniel Drive and  County Road 41 meet. Very exclusive. There is a home in Shoal Creek that cost $30,000,000 to build! Expensive homes mean expensive appliances. Expensive appliances are expensive to repair. Hence, the excitement. Appliance repair Homewood, Appliance Repair Vestavia, Appliance Repair Mountain Brook, Appliance Repair Hoover.

The main road splits left and right as soon as you enter the gate. The whole neighborhood surrounds the golf course that is pretty much centered on the property. If you turn left but should have gone right it is a long way all the way around. Just for future reference. Not that that has ever happened to me. But I digress… I made it to the house.

Customer Education

There was a note on the front porch, which was a little strange but upon inspection the front porch had just been painted. She wanted me to use the side door to announce my arrival. As I did, she greeted me at the side entrance which led into the study where the offending Scotsman Ice Machine lived. Upon inspection I came to the conclusion that the recirculation pump was not working and needed to be replaced. I explained the operation of the recirculation pump. The fact that it pumps water up through spray nozzles which creates a funnel shaped spray patten that is sprayed onto an evaporator which is shaped in the form of the ice cubes. The evaporator gets really cold which chills the water that is sprayed on it. The water eventually gets so cold it begins to freeze to the evaporator. It takes about 35-40 minutes for the ice to form into the proper sized cubes. There is a thermostat on the evaporator that reads the temperature and knows when the ice has formed properly. That thermostat initiates a timer which runs for a predetermined amount of time until it triggers a switch to turn the cooling system off and open a reversing valve. Hot refrigerant from the condenser is allowed to flow into the evaporator. It melts the cubes just enough to allow them to fall from the evaporator and into the bin. Most machines produce 8 cubes at a time. Some of the new ones produce more with each harvest.


She was so impressed after I explained everything she said “You should be a Professor of Appliance Repair. You really know how to explain it in a way I understand.” I had never really thought about the skill I have developed just explaining things to customers every day for the last 10 years. Now I look forward to letting my years of experience bring a little understanding to what can be an unfortunate experience. It’s never a fun phone call for anyone to make. I take great pride in maintaining a level of customer service that has been lacking in an Industry that is thriving. Let me show you how an Appliance Repair company is supposed to be run. Appliance repair Homewood, Appliance Repair Vestavia, Appliance Repair Mountain Brook, Appliance Repair Hoover.